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4 Reasons Your Nonprofit Should Invest in the Right Technology

Technology is crucial in today’s world. There is no way around the fact that efficient and effective technology is an important factor in any nonprofit strategy. Technology allows organizations to be adaptive, and importantly, competitive. Technology provides better facilitation of high volume donations, opens new donation channels, reaches new audiences, and improves internal operational efficiency. Let’s take a look at four reasons why your nonprofit should invest in technology. 

1. Improve System Reliability

As technology ages its wears out, slows down, and begins to lack compatibility with newer pieces of technology. Utilizing outdated equipment or simply buying pieces here and there can leave your technology systems disjointed and uncompetitive. Two actions can help your organization avoid these issues and boost its nonprofit strategy. First, take the time and resources to invest in the best quality technology that your organization can afford. This will increase ROI for your organization in ways such as improving internal operations involving your staff or improving donor connectivity and experiences. Second, be sure that all of the technology that you are investing in can be properly integrated into your network. Taking the time to consult with a professional or having staff that understand your technological infrastructure and what can and cannot be integrated is important to ensure an efficient and effective technological architecture. 

2. Avoid Operational Hiccups

If your organization grows, your technology will need to grow as well. An organization that receives local donations in small numbers at a handful of events a year can operate on cash donations and some basic electronic donation software. But as that organization scales up to a statewide or even nationwide reach, rudimentary technology will not cut it. That same nonprofit will likely grow in size in terms of staff. Investing in upgraded software to support growing hiring needs is key to sustaining growth. This can take many forms such as investing in CRM or SaaS. These (and many technological investments) are best done by consulting with a professional. 

3. Better Engagement

When we hear engagement in the nonprofit world, we think about donors, members, and volunteers. When it comes to investing in technology, you can increase the engagement of your staff. Investing in technology does not just mean hardware and software, but it also requires an investment in teaching your staff how to use that technology. Investing in your team’s IT literacy can help your current technology operate at a better level or make use of recently invested in technologies.

We have already commented on this topic, but a huge advantage of investing in technology is reach that results in better community engagement. Quality, automated donation portals or an easily navigable and informative website can make all the difference for first-time donors. It is key to retain community members who take the time to visit your site or engage in some way via technology (often donations). Locking in first-time donors boosts ROI but it will require those donors to have a great experience. Automated donation services ensure speed, accuracy, and convenience, producing a better donor experience. 

4. Better Marketing Tools

While print marketing is still impactful and relevant, digital marketing has not exactly floundered. So many people and so many nonprofits use digital media to share/find information. Many constituents appreciate or even seek out nonprofits that maintain a fresh and relevant digital media presence. Without the right CRM, hardware, or technologically savvy staff, your organization could struggle to target the digitally aware audience. Investing in the right marketing tools could range from the right camera to capture your programming, to organizational software to manage social media posting or an improved CRM program. 

As the world becomes more and more technologically integrated, nonprofits will not be an exception. In order for great organizations to continue doing the valuable, person-centric work that they do, investments in technology become a necessary cost. Consider these four reasons for investing in technology as they present issues that are likely to face nonprofits ranging from large to small in terms of audience, budget, operations, or staff. 

Without a plan, you are planning to fail. At NMBL Strategies we stand by that statement. We help nonprofits and small businesses develop the right plans that bring them proven results. Talk to us today about how we can help you plan and find success.