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Educating on Nonprofit, Public-Private Partnership and Small Business Best Practices

Experienced Insights: AEC Leaders Identify One Thing Nonprofits Need to Avoid


NMBL once again wanted to know what behaviors and strategies nonprofits should be avoiding as they continue to work in a landscape that has changed tremendously in the last several years. While maximizing the number of successful strategies is important to propel your business through this crisis, it is just as important to avoid mistakes and setbacks. This means that identifying hurtful practices and worthless strategies are paramount. These four AEC and Design industry leaders offer advice on what nonprofits ought to avoid in order to remain well-equipped to serve their communities. Here’s what they had to say: 

What is one thing you think nonprofits should not be doing during COVID?

“Isolating themselves from their communities.”

- Brian Henn, Pacific Studios


“Looking down and doing nothing, (they need to) keep connecting.”

- Bill Haley, HSD


“Nonprofits should not be silent.  Even with challenging circumstances, their voice needs to be heard now more than ever.”

- Michael Friebele, CRTKL


“Don't ignore the facts of the day - current events often require an adjustment of business practices and strategies.  Additionally, do not ignore the needs of your team - be compassionate and reasonable during these challenging times.”

- Jim Hill, Sterling Project Development

Echoing the advice in the previous post on what nonprofits need to be doing, our experts recognize the need for nonprofits to remain communicative. Avoiding isolation, remaining vigilant, and continuing to communicate, are all winning strategies for remaining mission focuses and successfully fundraising. Additionally, Jim Hill of Sterling Project Development reminds nonprofit organizations that they must be realistic and adaptable; he also recognizes the importance of caring for your team. This ties into communication as well, reinforcing its importance. Remembering to do these things is a great start for any nonprofit organization working to remain active and effective when the world changes rapidly.

Looking to boost your nonprofit organization’s performance? Talk to the experts at NMBL Strategies today by reaching out to NMBL today.