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Educating on Nonprofit, Public-Private Partnership and Small Business Best Practices

Experienced Insights: AEC Leaders Talk About What They're Seeing Nonprofits Do Well


Still asking the AEC and Design industry leaders, NMBL Strategies’ shifted the focus of the questions from small businesses to nonprofits. These AEC and Design leaders not only have experience with small businesses but also nonprofit organizations. In the first nonprofit related question, we asked what is a successful strategy they have seen nonprofits employ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their responses will offer ideas to other nonprofits that they can utilize to improve their own fundraising and fulfill their missions. Here’s what they had to say: 

 What is one thing you are seeing nonprofits do well during COVID?

“Keeping their presence out there, being proactive about communicating with friends, colleagues, visitors, everyone, there are new connections out there.”

- Bill Haley, HSD


“As I have witnessed with the Thanks-Giving Square Foundation as an example, this time is an opportunity to reach the community and establish further meaning.  It is also a time to educate the public, as there is an audience craving experiences and learning opportunities.”

- Michael Friebele, CRTKL


“Something that I saw STL Artworks do was cancel their main fundraising gala and just do a day to raise money.  With pledged matches, they were able to raise more money in less time with less work than doing a large, time and resources intensive event.” - Joel Fuoss, Trivers


“Reminding the public that they exist and in some cases, that the need for assistance or participation is stronger than ever.”

- Jim Hill, Sterling Project Development

This question offered some great answers from our experts and a general consensus. Three responses carried the same message: reach out and connect with the community. It is key to remind the community that your organization is still there and still mission-focused, especially as many nonprofits are needed now more than ever. In addition to a reminder to remain communicative and connect, Joel Fuoss offers an anecdote from STL Artworks’ new fundraising strategy that traded out a gala for a giving day. What likely began as a disappointing cancellation turned into an efficient and successful method of fundraising that kept donors and nonprofit staff safe. It serves as a reminder to think outside the box and always prioritize safety. These four pieces of advice offer nonprofits some quality starting places as they prepare for the future.

Want to make a plan to maximize the impact of your nonprofit? Contact to learn more about how the NMBL team can help your organization succeed.